
I decided to start a personal blog, because I wanted to write about topics like programming languages and compilers from a not programming expert point of view. This blog is about several classes of languages. This blog is not totally about programming, it includes topics(tags) like music and other themes that i like it.


Perl is a general purpose lenguage written in the 80’s by Larry wall. It’s used for web sites development, systems administration an has a reputation of an excelent data crunching, for it’s regular expresions. It also is an excelent language for bioinformatics. It’s site is on Perl Another usefull site is The perlfoundation


Raku is a general purpose programming language, is part of the perl family of languages and includes a compiler compiler.


www.camel.org or camelblog.org is licensed under a CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 Deed | Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International


This section talks about the women and men that have contributed to the development of Perl.


This section talks about the humor related with programming, a good point to start is the section of humor in site www.perl-begin.org Note: Raku formerly was named Perl6

The sound of silence

This song written by Simon and Garfunkel is the one of I like most. The sound of silence